Polo Area Community Theatre

Making an Im-PACT One Show at a Time

Polo Area Community Theatre's mission is to offer live theatre experiences for members of the community of all ages as spectators and participants, to enrich culture and life in the rural community of Polo, Illinois and the surrounding Northwestern Illinois area.

Why should you help?

Polo Area Community Theatre is a non profit 501c3 organization. We rely on contributions from individuals and organizations to be able to put on quality live theatre performances for our community. Our organization is strictly run by volunteers. PACT is our community! We need you and your support!

How can you help?

There are many ways to get involved with PACT! We are always seeking volunteers, donations, sponsors, and of course new talent! Come to one of our shows to check us out or email us at info@polotheatre.org to get more information on how to become involved.

How is my money spent?

Polo Area Community Theatre has been performing 3-4 shows per year since our inception in 2006. Our average budget for an individual show is $2,000. That includes obtaining the rights to the show, set building, costume design, make up supplies, paint, props, advertisement and so forth. This does not include the cost of renting our current space, insurance costs, or any number of other things that we pay for on a regular basis. We also have a wishlist of things that we would like to obtain to make our theatre bigger and better than ever! Check out part of our wishlist below!

Support PACT With Amazon Smile

  1. Select the button below, or scan the QR to the right.

  2. Select "Polo Area Community Theatre" as your charity to support.

  3. Shop like you normally would using the smile website

  4. When you finalize your purchase, a portion of Amazon’s profit will be donated to PACT!

PACT Gives Back!

We are offering scholarships to local highschoolers.

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